[:en]Training Professional Receptionist dan Operator[:id]Pelatihan Professional Receptionist dan Operator[:]


Professional Receptionist and Operator Training

Receptionist and operator to be a good mirror for the company and able to communicate effectively with everyone. Receptionist and operator is the front line of a company where a positive image must be created first, as well as running a service division. Where the service will be a benchmark positive image for a company. In addition to face-to-face communication, clients or customers will more often communicate through the phone. Lots of calling techniques are sometimes ignored, so prospective customers or prospective clients suddenly change their mind to use our company products or services. The purpose of this training is to enable the trainees to know the duties and functions of receptionist and operator and to know how to be a good receptionist and operator and have a professional attitude

Outline Professional Receptionist And Operator Program

Materials to be delivered are:

  1. How to Appear Interesting
  2. Increase Confidence
  3. Communicate Effectively With Everyone
  4. Telephone ethics
  5. Ethics Communicate For Receptionist
  6. Time Management
  7. Troubleshooting Tips
  8. Self Motivation (How to motivate your self)
  9. English Basic for Receptionist and Operator

Who should attend this

Receptionist, Operator, Customer Service, etc


The Prime Consulting Team.


2 days (14 hours) Starts at 09.00 – 16.00 WIB.


Rp. 5.000.000/participant (includes lodging accomodation).

Minimum participants (5 participants)

Fasilitas Pelatihan

Certificate, Training Photo, Module (Hard Copy), Flashdisk (Soft Copy), Training Kit (Tas, Jacket, Cap), Training Room at starred hotel (including 1x Lunch, 2x Coffe Break / day)

Marketing Line:

HP/WA: 0858-11-210875





Training Schedule

  • Solo, 13-14 March 2017
  • Bali, 12-13 April 2017
  • Jakarta, 10-11 May 2017
  • Bandung, 14-15 June 2017
  • Bogor, 12-13 July 2017
  • Tangerang, 2-3 August 2017
  • Yogyakarta, September 13-14, 2017
  • Solo, 2-3 October 2017
  • Bali, 1-2 November 2017
  • Bali, 11-12 December 2017

For another training schedule, please call our Marketing

Other Training : http://www.training-consulting.co.id


Pelatihan Professional Receptionist dan Operator

Pelatihan Professional Receptionist dan Operator

Pendahuluan :

Receptionist dan operator menjadi cermin yang baik bagi perusahaan dan mampu berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan semua orang. Receptionist dan operator adalah lini depan sebuah perusahaan dimana image positif harus tercipta pertama kali, juga sekaligus menjalankan divisi pelayanan. Dimana pelayanan yang akan menjadi tolak ukur image positif bagi suatu perusahaan. Selain komunikasi tatap muka, klien atau customer akan lebih sering melakukan komunikasi melalu telepon. Banyak sekali teknik menelpon yang terkadang diabaikan, sehingga calon customer atau calon klien mendadak berubah pikiran untuk menggunakan produk atau jasa perusahaan kita. Tujuan pelatihan ini adalah agar peserta pelatihan mampu mengetahui tugas dan fungsi receptionist dan operator dan mengetahui bagaimana cara menjadi receptionist dan operator yang baik serta memiliki sikap yang profesional.

Program Outline Professional Receptionist And Operator

Materi yang akan disampaikan yaitu:

  1. Bagaimana Cara Tampil Menarik
  2. Meningkatkan Rasa Percaya Diri
  3. Berkomunikasi yang Efektif Dengan Semua Orang
  4. Etika Bertelepon
  5. Etika Berkomunikasi Bagi Receptionist
  6. Manajemen Waktu
  7. Kiat – kiat Mengatasi Masalah
  8. Motivasi Diri (How to motivate your self)
  9. English Basic for Receptionist and Operator

Wajib diikuti oleh

Receptionist,Operator,Customer Service,dll


The Prime Consulting Team.


2 hari (efektif 14 jam) Mulai pukul 09.00 – 16.00 WIB.


Rp. 5.000.000/peserta (termasuk akomodasi penginapan).

Minimal peserta (2-3 peserta)

Fasilitas Pelatihan

Sertifikat, Foto Pelatihan, Modul (Hard Copy), Flashdisk (Soft Copy), Training Kit (Tas, Jacket, Topi), Ruang Pelatihan di hotel berbintang (termasuk 1x Lunch, 2x Coffe Break/hari).


Hubungi Marketing:

HP/WA: 0898-9110-933 (Aziman)





Waktu Pelatihan:

  • Jakarta, 3-4 September 2018
  • Bogor, 18-19 September 2018
  • Bandung, 2-3 Oktober 2018
  • Jakarta, 16-17 Oktober 2018
  • Bogor, 30-31 Oktober 2018 
  • Bandung, 6-7 November 2018
  • Jakarta, 20-21 November 2018
  • Bogor 4-5 Desember 2018
  • Bandung, 18-19 Desember 2018

Jadwal pelatihan lainnya, silakan hubungi bagian marketing kami.

Pelatihan Lainnya : http://www.training-consulting.co.id


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