Training Professional Call Center Officer
Call center officers are clearly the frontline of the company (front liners) that helped determine the success of the business. Although the product or service of a company is superior, the company still needs to pay attention to the quality of service, among others by telephone (call center). Therefore, call center officers really need to understand and master the techniques of service, especially by phone, so that customers can get customer satisfaction
Discussion Material:
- Introduction:
- Call center function, service excellence awareness, spirit to help / serve
- Call center officer as image-forming company
- Call center function, service excellence awareness, spirit to help / serve
- Professional telephone conversation:
- Knowledge: product knowledge, broad insight
- Skill: speed, accuracy
- Attitude: positive attitude
- Effective communications skills: answering questions and providing precise, clear and polite information, with sound and good word choices;
- 3V in communication: verbal, vocal, visual
- Active listening; asking the questions: capturing the intent / question asked by the customer, asking for the customer’s intent.
- Assertiveness; answer questions and convey information with straightforward, not passive, not aggressive
- Technique and etiquette in: Receive phone, Holding / transferring, Calling
- Facing the caller is difficult; receive complaints, face aggressive behavior, deal with difficult situations, plus 12 call center tips from hotlines, Australia
Target participants:
Call center staff, customer service, and other employees who serve many customers by telephone.
The Prime Consulting Team.
2 days (14 hours) Starts at 09.00 – 16.00 WIB.
Rp. 5.000.000/participant (includes lodging accommodation).
Minimal participants (5 participants)
Training Facilities
Certificate, Training Photo, Module (Hard Copy), Flashdisk (Soft Copy), Training Kit (Bag, Jacket, Cap), and Training Room at hotel (including 1x Lunch, 2x Coffe Break/day.)
Marketing Line:
HP/WA: 0858-11-210875
Training Schedule
- Yogyakarta, 6-7 March 2017
- Solo, 5-6 April 2017
- Bali, 3-4 May 2017
- Jakarta, 7-8 June 2017
- Bandung, 5-6 July 2017
- Bogor, 23-24 August 2017
- Tangerang, 6-7 September 2017
- Yogyakarta, 23-24 October 2017
- Solo, 22-23 November 2017
- Bali, 6-7 December 2017
For another training schedule, please contact our Marketing
Other Training : http://www.training-consulting.co.id
Training Professional Call Center Officer
Petugas call center jelas merupakan ujung tombak perusahaan di jajaran depan (front liners) yang turut menentukan kesuksesan usaha. Walaupun produk atau jasa sebuah perusahaan sudah unggul, perusahaan masih perlu memperhatikan mutu pelayanan antara lain melalui telepon (call center). Karena itu, petugas call center sangat perlu memahami dan menguasai teknik-tenik pelayanan, khususnya melalui telepon, agar pelanggan dapat memperoleh kepuasan (customer satisfaction).
Materi Bahasan:
- Introduction:
- Fungsi call center, service excellence awareness, semangat membantu/melayani
- Call center officer sebagai pembentuk citra perusahaan
- Professional telephone conversation:
- Knowledge: product knowledge, wawasan luas
- Skill: kecepatan, ketelitian/ketepatan
- Attitude: sikap positif,
- Effective communications skills: menjawab pertanyaan dan memberi informasi dengan tepat, jelas dan sopan, dengan suara dan pilihan kata yang baik;
- 3V dalam komunikasi: verbal, vocal, visual
- Active listening; asking the questions: menangkap maksud/pertanyaan yang diajukan pelanggan, menanyakan maksud pelanggan.
- Assertiveness; menjawab pertanyaan dan menyampaikan informasi dengan lugas, tidak pasif, tidak agresif.
- Teknik dan etiket dalam: Menerima telepon, Holding/transferring, Menelepon
- Menghadapi penelepon sulit; menerima keluhan, menghadapi sikap agresif, mengatasi situasi sulit, plus 12 kiat call center dari hotlines , Australia .
Target peserta:
Staff call center, customer service, dan karyawan bagian lain yang banyak melayani pelanggan melalui telepon .
The Prime Consulting Team.
2 hari (efektif 14 jam) Mulai pukul 09.00 – 16.00 WIB.
Rp. 5.000.000/peserta (termasuk akomodasi penginapan).
Minimal peserta (2-3 peserta)
Fasilitas Pelatihan
Sertifikat, Foto Pelatihan, Modul (Hard Copy), Flashdisk (Soft Copy), Training Kit (Jacket), dan Ruang Pelatihan di hotel berbintang (termasuk 1x Lunch, 2x Coffe Break/hari).
Hubungi Marketing:
HP/WA: 0898-9110-933 (Aziman)
Waktu Pelatihan
- Jakarta, 3-4 September 2018
- Bogor, 18-19 September 2018
- Bandung, 2-3 Oktober 2018
- Jakarta, 16-17 Oktober 2018
- Bogor, 30-31 Oktober 2018
- Bandung, 6-7 November 2018
- Jakarta, 20-21 November 2018
- Bogor 4-5 Desember 2018
- Bandung, 18-19 Desember 2018
Jadwal Pelatihan lainnya, silakan hubungi bagian marketing Kami
Pelatihan Lainnya : http://www.training-consulting.co.id