Strategy to Build Motivation and Culture Improvement
Is a bonus that can improve employee performance, or a character that can improve employee performance, or trust given to the employee who can improve the performance of the company, or a little motivation and build a high confidence that can improve the performance of the company. Motivation is vital in improving Productivity in the workplace. Productivity results from a series of processes involving a large number of workers, both professional and operational. there are often complaints that work morale, the sensitivity to problems and togetherness, is poorly intertwined. For that, building a work culture oriented towards productivity and excellent quality is needed in the face of increasingly fierce competition. Cultural improvement in building employee performance in the company means building a positive attitude and culture productivity and quality to meet customer satisfaction. Why is this important? Because if the company is able to build a high performance culture the company will cost less. If the cost is low then the selling price will be more competitive to the competition.
Objectives And Benefits Training Strategies Building Motivation and Culture Improvement in the Workplace
Each participant who attended the training is able to:
- Understand the importance of cooperation in the workplace
- Building a productive culture and work ethic and improving cultural motivation in the workplace.
- Increased morale and a sense of belonging to the company
- Digging up your potential to work with three fromula: Work Hard, Smart Working, and Working Sincere in the Workplace
Training Material Strategy Building Motivation and Culture Improvement in the Workplace
- Self-motivation
- Build teamwork
- Building interpersonal skill
- Memanajemeni Change at work
- Mind
- Emotional and spiritual intelligence at work.
- Positive attitude of employees in work
- Improve positive attitude and culture
Training Materials
- Presentation
- Discussion and Q & A
- Case study
- Brainstorming
- Practice
Training Participants
General Manager, Middle Manager, Section Head, Group Leader, Innovation Leader
The Prime Consulting Team.
2 days (14 hours) Starts at 09.00 – 16.00 WIB.
Rp. 5.000.000/participants (includes lodging accommodation)
Minimum participants (5 participants)
Training Facilities
Certificate, Training Photo, Module (Hard Copy), Flashdisk (Soft Copy), Training Kit (Tas, Jacket, Hats), Training Room at hotel (including 1x Lunch, 2x Coffee Break/day
Marketing Line:
HP/WA: 0858-11-210875
Training Schedule
- Bali, March 1-2 2017
- Jakarta, April 3-4, 2017
- Bandung, May 1-2, 2017
- Bogor, June 5-6 2017
- Tangerang, July 3-4, 2017
- Yogyakarta, August 9-10 2017
- Solo, September 4-5, 2017
- Bali, October 9-10 2017
- Jakarta, November 8-9 2017
- Bandung, December 4-5, 2017
For another training schedule, please contact our Marketing
Other Training: http://www.training-consulting.co.id
Strategi Membangun Motivasi dan Budaya Improvement
Apakah bonus yang mampu meningkatkan kinerja karywaan, ataukah karakter yang mampu meningkatkan kinerja karyawaan, ataukah kepercayaan yang diberikan kepada karyawaan yang mampu meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan, atau sedikit motivasi dan membangun kepercayaan yang tinggi yang mampu meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan. Motivasi sangat penting dalam meningkatkan Produktivitas di tempat kerja. Produktivitas dihasilkan dari serangkaian proses dengan melibatkan banyak tenaga kerja, baik profesional maupun operasional. seringkali muncul keluhan, bahwa semangat kerja, kepekaan terhadap masalah dan kebersamaan, kurang terjalin dengan baik. Untuk itu, membangun budaya kerja yang berorientasi terhadap produktivitas dan kualitas prima sangat diperlukan dalam menghadapi persaingan yang semakin ketat.Budaya improvement dalam membangun kinerja karyawan di perusahaan berarti membangun sikap positif serta budaya produktivitas dan kualitas untuk memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan. Mengapa ini penting? Karena jika perusahaan mampu membangun budaya berkinerja tinggi perusahaan akan lebih sedikit mengeluarkan biaya. Jika cost yang dikeluarkan rendah maka harga jual akan lebih competitive terhadap persaiangan.
Tujuan Dan Manfaat Pelatihan Strategi Membangun Motivasi dan Budaya Improvement di Tempat Kerja
Setiap peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan ini mampu :
- Memahami pentingnya kerjasama di tempat kerja
- Membangun budaya dan etos kerja yang produktif dan motivasi budaya improvment di tempat kerja.
- Meningkatkan semangat kerja dan rasa memiliki yang tingi terhadap perusahaan
- Menggali potensi diri untuk bekerja dengan tiga fromula: Bekerja
Keras, Bekerja Cerdas, dan Bekerja Ikhlas di Tempat kerja
Materi Pelatihan Strategi Membangun Motivasi dan Budaya Improvement di Tempat Kerja
- Motivasi diri
- Membangun team kerja
- Membangun kecerdasan interpersonal skill
- Memanamejemeni Perubahan di tempat kerja
- Pikiran
- Kecerdasan Emosional dan spiritual di tempat kerja .
- Sikap positif karyawan dalam bekerja
- Meningkatkan sikap dan budaya positif
Metode Pelatihan :
- Presentasi
- Diskusi dan Tanya Jawab
3. Studi kasus
4. Brainstorming
5. Praktek
Peserta Training
General Manager, Middle Manager, Section Head, Group Leader, Innovation Leader
The Prime Consulting Team.
2 hari (efektif 14 jam) Mulai pukul 09.00 – 16.00 WIB.
Rp. 5.000.000/peserta (termasuk akomodasi penginapan)
Minimal peserta (5 peserta)
Fasilitas Pelatihan
Sertifikat, Foto Pelatihan, Modul (Hard Copy), Flashdisk (Soft Copy), Training Kit (Tas, Jacket, Topi), Ruang Pelatihan di hotel berbintang (termasuk 1x Lunch, 2x Coffe Break/hari.
Hubungi Marketing:
HP/WA: 0858-11-210875
Waktu Pelatihan:
- Bali, 1-2 Maret 2017
- Jakarta, 3-4 April 2017
- Bandung, 1-2 Mei 2017
- Bogor, 5-6 Juni 2017
- Tangerang, 3-4 Juli 2017
- Yogyakarta, 9-10 Agustus 2017
- Solo, 4-5 September 2017
- Bali, 9-10 Oktober 2017
- Jakarta, 8-9 November 2017
- Bandung, 4-5 Desember 2017
Jadwal pelatihan lainnya, silakan hubungi bagian marketing kami.
Pelatihan Lainnya : http://www.training-consulting.co.id