[:en]Training Evaluasi Hasil Diklat Training[:id]Pelatihan Evaluasi Hasil Diklat Training[:]


Evaluation Training Results Training Results

Evaluation is an important step and needs to be made a separate planning and strategy, which is done with a good method so that the evaluation results have a level of accuracy or high accuracy so that the effectiveness of DIKLAT or TRAINING can be viewed or assessed. Evaluation is a process of activities related to gathering information about the operation of something, which then is used to determine the right alternative in making a decision about how to do good in the future according to the plan. Perancanaan is essentially a decision on a number of alternatives (pilhan) on the goals and ways that will be implemented in the future to achieve the desired goals and monitoring and assessment of the results of its implementation, conducted in a systematic and sustainable.

Syllabus :

  • Introduction (overview)
  1. Definition of Evaluation
  2. Purpose of Evaluation
  3. What are the basics of Evaluating program
  • Types of program Evaluation
  • Effectiveness and Cost consideration
  • Participant Selection
  • Schedule Setting
  • Budget Planning
  • Planning and Design of Evaluation
  • Kirk patricks model of Evaluation to assess the impack of DIKLAT
  • Tools for evaluation program
  1. Questioner
  2. Interview
  3. Pre-post test
  4. Survey
  5. Report
  6. Observation
  7. Vedio and audio
  • Evaluation process
  • Analysis and Handling Survey Data
  • ROI analysis
  • Performance measurement (outcome measurement)
  • Conclusion of survey for Evaluation post DIKLAT
  • Presenting survey for Evaluation results

Training Facilities

Certificate, Training Photo, Module (Hard Copy), Flashdisk (Soft Copy), Training Kit (Bag, Jacket, Caps), Training Room at hotel (including 1x Lunch, 2x Coffee Break/day).


The Prime Consulting Team.


2 days (14 hours) Starts at 09.00 – 16.00 WIB.

Marketing Line:

HP/WA: 0858-11-210875





Training Schedule

  • Solo, March 6-7 2017
  • Bali, April 5-6 2017
  • Jakarta, May 3-4 2017
  • Bandung, June 7-8 June 2017
  • Bogor, July 5-6 2017
  • Tangerang, August 21-22 2017
  • Yogyakarta, September 6-7 2017
  • Solo, October 18-19 2017
  • Bali, November 20-21 2017
  • Jakarta, December 6-7 2017

For another training schedule, please contact our Marketing

Other Training :http://www.training-consulting.co.id


Pelatihan Evaluasi Hasil Diklat Training

Pendahuluan :

Evaluasi adalah suatu tahapan yang penting dan perlu dibuatkan suatu planning dan strategy tersendiri, yang dilakukan dengan methode yang baik sehingga hasil evaluasi memiliki tingkat ketepatan atau akurasi yang tinggi sehingga efektivitas DIKLAT atau TRAINING dapat di lihat atau dinilai. evaluasi adalah proses kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan mengumpulkan informasi tentang bekerjanya sesuatu, yang selanjutnya informasi terebut digunakan untuk menentukan alternative yang tepat dalam mengambil sebuah keputusan tentang bagaimana berbuat baik pada waktu-waktu mendatang sesuai dengan yang telah direncanakan. Perancanaan pada hakikatnya adalah keputusan atas sejumlah alternatif (pilhan) mengenai sasaran dan cara-cara yang akan dilaksanakan dimasa yang akan datang guna mencapai tujuan yang dikehendaki serta pemantauan dan penilaiannya atas hasil pelaksanaannya, yang dilakukan secara sistematis dan berkesinambungan.

Syllabus :

  • Introduction (over view)
  1. Definition of Evaluation
  2. Purpose of Evaluation
  3. What are the basics of Evaluating program
  • Types of program Evaluation
  • Effectiveness and Cost consideration
  • Participant Selection
  • Schedule Setting
  • Budget Planning
  • Planning and Design of Evaluation
  • Kirk patricks model of Evaluation to assess the impack of DIKLAT
  • Tools for evaluation program
  1. Questioner
  2. Interview
  3. Pre-post test
  4. Survey
  5. Report
  6. Observation
  7. Vedio and audio
  • Evaluation process
  • Analysis and Handling Survey Data
  • ROI analysis
  • Performance measurement (outcome measurement)
  • Conclusion of survey for Evaluation post DIKLAT
  • Presenting survey for Evaluation results

Fasilitas Pelatihan

fasilitas yang akan diberikan antara lain :

Sertifikat, Foto Pelatihan, Modul (Hard Copy), Flashdisk (Soft Copy), Training Kit (Tas, Jacket, Topi), Ruang Pelatihan di hotel berbintang (termasuk 1x Lunch, 2x Coffe Break/hari).



The Prime Consulting Team.


2 hari (efektif 14 jam) Mulai pukul 09.00 – 16.00 WIB.

Hubungi Marketing:

HP/WA: 0858-11-210875





Waktu Pelatihan

  • Solo, 6-7 Maret 2017
  • Bali, 5-6 April 2017
  • Jakarta, 3-4 Mei 2017
  • Bandung, 7-8 Juni 2017
  • Bogor, 5-6 Juli 2017
  • Tangerang, 21-22 Agustus 2017
  • Yogyakarta, 6-7 September 2017
  • Solo, 18-19 Oktober 2017
  • Bali, 20-21 November 2017
  • Jakarta, 6-7 Desember 2017

Jadwal pelatihan lainnya, silakan hubungi bagian marketing kami

Pelatihan Lainnya :http://www.training-consulting.co.id


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