Interview Technique Training by Global Compliance Asia – Interview is one of stages in recruitment of human resources in a company. This will inform you about the character, experience, knowledge, behavior, skill, and the suitability of company culture to the candidate of employee.
Interview use several methods to understand behavior and performance of the candidate in the past and predict the ability of candidates in a position that will occupy. Among several techniques interview are behavioral interviews that has several advantages, and is an important concern of human resources practitioners, because its potential is effective to be able to detect more accurate the ability of a candidate.
Training Objectives
- Equip participants to be able to know a good recruitment process and can run the process
- Improving the ability of participants in exploring, collecting and concluded the data, facts or information required in recruiting candidate employee.
- Evaluating information to be able to take a decision whether the candidate employee in accordance with requirement and specification position to be filled.
- After attending this training program, participants are expected to be able to conduct interview, evaluate information and make recommendation.
Training Materials
- Recognize the basic format interview: unstructured, structured, mixed, stress, and behavioral.
- Establish an effective job design as the basic for effective behavioral interviews planning.
- Recognize three types of skills that can be detected by Behavioral Interviews:
- Content Skills, Functional or Transferable Skills, Adaptive or Self-Management Skills.
- Planning interview using behavioral interviews method appropriate to the job design from a particular function.
- Prepare and test the types of questions that are behavioral questions: theoretical questions, leading questions, behavioral question
- Make observation during the interview process, through the introduction of verbal and non-verbal signs.
Training Duration :
2 days / 14 hours ( 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)
Training Investment :
4,000,000.00 IDR /participant (exclude: accommodation and lodging)
Training Facilities :
- Experienced Trainer
- Jacket
- Certificate
- Modules & Training Kit
- Lunch
- Coffee Break
- Comfortable training rooms (held in hotel)
Training Methods
interactive, presentation, discussion, simulation, case study
Criteria for Participants
The manager or supervisor run job recruitment process from vacant position identification, looking for candidates, select candidates, conduct interview, make recommendation and report to recruitment.
Info & Contact Person :
+62 877 0999 5125 (Arum)
Training Schedule:
- Jakarta, 18 – 19 November 2015
- Australia, 23 – 24 November 2015
- Vietnam, 25 -26 November 2015
- Jakarta, 07 – 08 December 2015
- Vietnam, 17 – 18 December 2015
- Australia, 30 – 31 December 2015
Training Teknik Wawancara oleh Global Compliance Asia – interview adalah Salah satu tahapan dalam perekrutan SDM di suatu perusahaan . Hal ini akan menginformasikan tentang karakter, pengalaman, pemgetahuan, perilaku, skill, dan kecocokan kultur budaya perusahaan terhadap bakal pengisi jabatan.
pada dasarnya Interview memakai beberapa cara yang dipakai untuk memahami perilaku dan kinerja calon pada masa lalu dan memprediksi kemampuan calon pada posisi yang akan ditempatinya. Diantara beberapa teknik interview yang dilakukan selama proses rekrutmen yait behavioral interviews yang dimana teknik ini mempunyai beberapa kelebihan, dan saat ini menjadi perhatian penting dari praktisi SDM, karena potensinya sangat efektif untuk mampu mendeteksi lebih akurat kemampuan calon untuk satu posisi yang dituju.
Tujuan Training
- Membekali peserta untuk dapat mengetahui proses rekrutmen yang baik dan dapat menjalankan proses tsb sejalan dengan bisni proses perushaan.
- Meningkatkan kemampuan para peserta dalam menggali, mengumpulkan dan menyimpulkan data, fakta atau informasi yang diperlukan dalam merekrut calon karyawan.
- Mengevaluasi informasi untuk dapat mengambil keputusan apakah calon karyawan sesuai dengan syarat dan spesifikasi jabatan yang akan diisi.
- Setelah mengikuti program pelatihan ini juga, peserta diharapkan mampu melakukan wawancara, mengevaluasi informasi dan membuat rekomendasi.
Materi Training
- Mengenali berbagai format dasar interview: unstructured, structured, mixed, stress, serta behavioral.
- Menetapkan job design yang efektif sebagai dasar perancangan behavioral interviews yang efektif.
- Mengenali tiga tipe skill yang dapat dideteksi melalui Behavioral Intereviews:
- Content Skills, Functional or Transferable Skills, Adaptive or Self-Management Skills.
- Merancang interview menggunakan metode behavioral interviews yang tepat dengan job design dari suatu fungsi tertentu.
- Mempersiapkan dan menguji jenis-jenis pertanyaan yang bersifat behavioral questions: theoretical questions, leading questions, behavioral questions
- Melakukan observasi selama proses interview, melalui pengenalan tanda-tanda verbal dan non verbal.
Durasi Training
2 hari /efektif 14 jam (09.00 – 16.00)
Biaya Training
Rp. 4.000.000,00/peserta (diluar biaya akomodasi dan penginapan)
Fasilitas Training
- Trainer Berpengalaman
- Jaket
- Sertifikat
- Modul
- Training Kit
- Lunch
- Coffee Break
- Ruang training yang nyaman (diselenggarakan di hotel berbintang)
Metode Training
Metode interaktif, presentasi, diskusi, simulasi, studi kasus
Peserta yang direkomendasikan
Para Manajer atau Supervisor yang dalam pekerjaannya melakukan proses recruitment mulai dari identifikasi posisi kosong, mencari kandidat, memilih kandidat, melakukan wawancara, memberikan rekomendasi dan laporan untuk rekrutmen.
Info & Contact Person :
+62 877 0999 5125 (Arum)
Jadwal Training:
- Jakarta, 18 – 19 November 2015
- Australia, 23 – 24 November 2015
- Vietnam, 25 – 26 November 2015
- Jakarta, 07 – 08 Desember 2015
- Vietnam, 17 – 18 Desember 2015
- Australia, 30 – 31 Desember 2015