Training Mind Setting
Hearing the word “mind set” in the organization is familiar, to understand the meaning of the word it is not as easy as we hear the term, there are still many people organization or employees even lay people who do not understand well the meaning of the word mind set, real meaning of mind set? How to change our mindset? Changes to which way to go? What is the parameter when a person’s mindset has changed?. All these questions will be answered in this workshop.
Training Objective Mind Setting
Research has shown consistently that when you learn something that is closely related to your goal then the learning will be smooth and relatively faster therefore try to see some of the goals of this workshop, with the completion of this workshop, participants are expected to be able and understand:
- The meaning of the “mindset” as well as the philosophy is understood
- Underwent a mindset change
- Trick or tip how to change the mindset
- Determine the direction or goal of change
- Why the mindset should be in the fox
- Describe if the mindset has been changed what will happen both for ourselves and for the organization’s interests
- Mention the things that cause the change of mindset to take place
- Meaning and able to explain about the vision and mission
- Determining short-term and long-term goals
- Determining activities in achieving company goals
Other Event:
The Prime Consulting Team.
2 days (14 hours) Starts at 09.00 – 16.00 WIB.
Rp. 5.000.000/participants (includes lodging accommodation)
Minimum participants (5 participants)
Certificate, Training Photo, Module (Hard Copy), Flashdisk (Soft Copy), Training Kit (Tas, Jacket, Hats), Training Room at hotel (including 1x Lunch, 2x Coffee Break/day)
Marketing Line:
HP/WA: 0858-11-210875
Training Schedule
- Bogor, March 15-16 2017
- Tangerang, April 17-18 2017
- Yogyakarta, May 15-16, 2017
- Solo, June 19-20 2017
- Bali, July 17-18 2017
- Jakarta, August 28-29 2017
- Bandung, September 18-19 2017
- Bogor, October 25-26 2017
- Tangerang, November 27-28 2017
- Yogyakarta, December 18-19 2017
For another training schedule, please contact our Marketing
Other Training: http://www.training-consulting.co.id
Training Mind Setting
Mendengar kata “mind set” dalam organisasi kayaknya sudah tidak asing lagi, untuk mengerti makna dari pada kata tersebut memanglah tidak semudah kita mendengar istilahnya, masih banyak sekali orang organisasi atau parakaryawan bahkan oarng awam yang belum paham betul makna dari kata mind set, apakah arti atau makna sebenarnya mind set? Bagaimana cara merubah mindset kita? Perubahan kearah manakah yang harus dilakukan? Apakah parameternya bila mindset seseorang telah berubah?. Semua pertanyaan ini akan terjawab dalam workshop ini.
Objective Training Mind Setting
Research telah menunjukan secara konsisten bahwa ketika anda belajar sesuatu pembelajaran yang berhubungan erat dengan goal anda maka pembelajaran akan menjadi mulus, lancar, dan relative lebih cepat oleh sebab itu coba anda lihat beberapa goal dari workshop ini, dengan selesainya workshop ini, peserta diharapkan mampu dan mengerti :
- Arti dari pada “mindset”dan juga secara filosofi dimengertinya
- Menjalani perubahan mindset
- Trik atau tip bagaimana merubah mindset
- Menentukan arah atau tujuan perubahan
- Mengapa mindset harus di rubah
- Mendiscripsikan apabila mindset telah dirubah apa yang bakalan terjadi baik bagi kita sendiri maupun bagi kepentingan organisasi
- Menyebutkan hal-hal yang menyebabkan perlu diadakannya perubahan mindset
- Makna dan mampu menjelaskan tentang visi dan misi
- Menentukan tujuan jangka pendek dan jangka panjang
- Menentukan kegiatan-kegiatan dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan.
Event Lainnya :
The Prime Consulting Team.
2 hari (efektif 14 jam) Mulai pukul 09.00 – 16.00 WIB.
Rp. 5.000.000/peserta (termasuk akomodasi penginapan)
Minimal peserta (5 peserta)
Sertifikat, Foto Pelatihan, Modul (Hard Copy), Flashdisk (Soft Copy), Training Kit (Tas, Jacket, Topi), Ruang Pelatihan di hotel berbintang (termasuk 1x Lunch, 2x Coffe Break/hari).
Hubungi Marketing:
HP/WA: 0858-11-210875
Waktu Pelatihan:
- Bogor, 15-16 Maret 2017
- Tangerang, 17-18 April 2017
- Yogyakarta, 15-16 Mei 2017
- Solo, 19-20 Juni 2017
- Bali, 17-18 Juli 2017
- Jakarta, 28-29 Agustus 2017
- Bandung, 18-19 September 2017
- Bogor, 25-26 Oktober 2017
- Tangerang, 27-28 November 2017
- Yogyakarta, 18-19 Desember 2017
Jadwal pelatihan lainnya, silakan hubungi bagian marketing kami.
Pelatihan Lainnya : http://www.training-consulting.co.id