Customer Service Excellence Training by Global Compliance Asia – In a variety of conditions we often find companies that provide ordinary services to consumers, or companies that provide services that “excessive” and does not reach the target, which ultimately did not have a significant impact to the development of the company.
What kind of services that we must provide to consumers, so it will give a “sense of satisfaction” that ultimately have an impact to the loyal customer. Many thing that must be understood starting from introduction concept to consumer, satisfaction and dissatisfaction concept, MOT or “Moment Of Trut”, making satisfaction strategy through verbal and non-verbal communication customer service officer or incorporated in Customer Service Group (CSG), the strategy makes customer loyalty through customer relation management, perform an effective handling consumer complaints or complaint Handling, know consumer behavior etc.
This training will discuss about any problems that exist in the customer service and the solutions. Supported by our teaching staff are very professional in their field, we will provide the best for you.
Training Objectives
- Understand the urgency of customer service excellence as a necessity to increase performance of organization.
- Able to analyze, build and assess customer satisfaction of services provided to customers (external and internal)
- Able to implement customer service excellence oriented to customer satisfaction in doing any work.
Training Materials
- General Definition of Customer Service Excellence and Service Excellence Awareness.
- Exploring and Understanding Customer Expectations.
- Understanding and Developing Employee Service Champion
- Factor & Dimension Quality of Service
- Mechanical Services:
- Knowledge: Importance of Mastering Product Knowledge, Insights wide.
- Skills: Skill, Accuracy, neatness.
- Interpersonal Communication Skills (Active Listening and Assertiveness).
- Mechanical Self-Image
- Customer Assistance Technique
- Information Delivery Techniques
- Problem Solving Technique
- Provide More Technique
- Keeping a Positive Attitude
- Final Impression Technique
- Responsive Response
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ) for Service Excellence
- Complaint handling: Dealing with Difficult Customers, Angry and Aggressive
- Build Long-Term Relationships with customer
- Case Study and Discussion
Training Methods
Interactive presentation, discussion, study case
Training Duration
2 hari (09.00 – 16.00)
Training Investment
Rp. 4.000.000,00/peserta (exclude: accommodation and lodging)
Training Facilities
- Experienced Trainer
- Jacket
- Certificate
- Module & Training Kit
- Lunch
- Coffee Break
- Comfortable training room (held in hotel)
Info & Contact Person :
+62 877 0999 5125 (Arum)
Training Schedule:
- Jakarta, 19 – 20 November 2015
- Vietnam, 23 – 24 November 2015
- Australia, 25 – 26 November 2015
- Jakarta, 02 – 03 December 2015
- Australia, 17 – 18 December 2015
- Vietnam, 28 – 29 December 2015
Training Customer Service Excellence oleh Global Compliance Asia – dalam berbagai kondisi sering sekali kita menemukan perusahaan-perusahaan yang memberikan pelayanan seadanya pada konsumen, atau juga perusahaan yang memberi layanan yang “berlebihan” dan tidak mencapai target, yang akhirnya tidak berdampak signifika pada perkembangan perusahaan.
pelayanan yang seperti apa yang wajib kita berikan kepada konsumen, sehingga akan memberikan suatu “rasa sangat memuaskan” yang akhirnya berdampak pada baik pada konsumen yang loyal. Banyak sesuatu hal yang wajib di mengerti mulai dari konsep pengenalan konsumen konsep kepuasan dan ketikapuasan, MOT atau “Moment Of Trut”, membuat startegi kepuasan melalui komunikasi verbal dan non verbal petugas customer service atau yang tergabung dalam Customer Service Group (CSG), strategi membuat loyalitas konsumen melalui customer relation management, melakukan penanganan secara efektif dalam proses komplain konsumen atau Complaint Handling, mengenal perilaku konsumen dll.
Training Customer Service Excellence dari Global Compliance Asia akan membahas tuntas tentang masalah apa saja yang ada pada customer service dan cara penyelesaiannya. Didukung dengan tenaga pengajar kami yang sangat professional dibidangnya, kami akan memberikan yang terbaik bagi anda.
Tujuan Training
- Memahami dan mengerti urgensi customer service excellence sebagai sebuah kebutuhan untuk peningkatan kinerja organisasi.
- Mampu menganalisa, menciptakan dan menilai kepuasan pelanggan dari layanan yang diberikan kepada pelanggan (eksternal maupun internal)
- Mampu mengimplementasikan customer service excellence yang berorientasi kepada kepuasan pelanggan dalam menjalankan setiap pekerjaannya.
Materi Training
- Pengertian Umum Customer Service Excellence dan Service Excellence Awareness.
- Menggali dan Memahami Harapan Pelanggan.
- Memahami dan Membangun Employee Service Champion
- Faktor & Dimensi Kualitas Pelayanan
- Teknik Pelayanan:
- Knowledge: Pentingnya Menguasai Product Knowledge, Wawasan luas.
- Skills: Keterampilan, Ketelitian, Ketepatan, Kerapihan.
- Interpersonal Communications Skills (Active Listening & Assertiveness).
- Teknik Citra Diri
- Teknik Pendampingan Pelanggan
- Teknik Penyampaian Informasi
- Teknik Problem Solving
- Teknik Memberikan Lebih
- Menjaga Sikap Positif
- Teknik Pengesanan Akhir
- Respon yang Tanggap
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ) for Service Excellence
- Handling Complaint: Menghadapi Pelanggan yang Sulit, Marah, dan Agresif
- Membangun Hubungan Jangka Panjang dengan Pelangga
- Studi Kasus dan Diskusi
Metode Training
Metode interaktif, presentasi, diskusi, studi kasus
Durasi Training
2 hari (09.00 – 16.00)
Investasi Training
Rp. 4.000.000,00/peserta (belum termasuk biaya penginapan)
Fasilitas Training
- Trainer Berpengalaman
- Sertifikat
- Jaket
- Modul & Training Kit
- Lunch
- Coffee Break
- Ruang training yang nyaman (diselenggarakan di hotel berbintang)
Info & Contact Person :
+62 877 0999 5125 (Arum)
Jadwal Training:
- Jakarta, 19 – 20 November 2015
- Vietnam, 23 – 24 November 2015
- Australia, 25 – 26 November 2015
- Jakarta, 02 – 03 Desember 2015
- Australia, 17 – 18 Desember 2015
- Vietnam, 28 – 29 Desember 2015