Training Creative Problem Solving dan Decision Making


Training Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making

Thinking is the most important psychic instrument, so people can more easily overcome difficulties and problems. In the process of overcoming problems we can think in different ways, because it is basically there are several ways of thinking, though not all of them are effective to solve a problem.
Creative thinking is one way of thinking that is highly recommended to overcome a problem. Because by way of creative thinking one will be able to see the problem from many aspects and perceptions. So that in the end will be able to produce more alternative problem solving. Five stages that must be passed for someone able to think creatively is: Stage Orientation, Preparation, Incubation, Illumination and Stage Certification.
Decision making is a process of choosing the right alternative from several alternatives. In making decisions it is necessary to consider the factors that may influence the decisions it makes: Factors People, Psychologists, Physical, Goals, Time and Implementation Factors. In the decision-making process should be considered also the implementation and consequences of choice

Training Objective Creative Problem Solving dan Decision Making

After the training, it is expected that the participants will be able to develop their ability in solving the problem creatively and make the decision making process effectively

Training Materials Creative Problem Solving dan Decision Making

  1. Two Models in Approaching the Troubleshooting Process
  2. Effective Troubleshooting Methods
  3. Defining Problems Appropriately
  4. Root Cause Analysis
  5. Formulating Alternative Solution Problem Solving
  6. Effective Decision Making
  7. Applying Solutions Through Action Plan and Monitoring
  8. Decision Making Process: Rational or Creative Decision Making?
  9. Exploration of Effective Decision Making Models in Various Situation Contexts
  10. Case Study and Discussion

Training Participants

This training is for:

  1. Staff, Supervisor, Manager up to the upper level of the HRD division, Policy Maker or any other division requiring this training;
  2. Practitioners, professionals or anyone who wants to add knowledge about problem solving and decision making

Fasilitas Pelatihan

  • The training place at the Hotel
  • Lunch and Coffee Break
  • Hard Copy Material
  • Soft Copy of Material on a USB Flashdisk
  • Certificate
  • Training Kits
  • Jackets, bags and hats
  • Souvenir / Door Prize for the best participants *)

Training Investment

  • Rp. 4.500.000, –
  • The price does not include tax

Marketing Line: 

HP/WA: 0858-11-210875


  • Edison Firdaus MM
  • Mochamad Sutarsono, ST. MT.
  • Anriyas Supriyanto, MM
  • Betty Bahiyah, SH
  • Muslim Jayadi
  • Dwi
  • Audith Turmudhi, MM dan Team

Waktu Pelatihan

  • Bogor, March 6-7 2017
  • Tangerang, April 5-6 2017
  • Yogyakarta, May 3-4, 2017
  • Solo, June 7-8 2017
  • Bali, July 5-6 2017
  • Jakarta, August 14-15 2017
  • Bandung, September 6-7 2017
  • Bogor, October 11-12 2017
  • Tangerang, November 13-14, 2017
  • Yogyakarta, December 6-7 2017

For another training schedule, please contact our Marketing

Other Training:


Training Creative Problem Solving dan Decision Making

Berfikir merupakan instrument psikis yang paling penting, sehingga manusia dapat dengan lebih mudah mengatasi kesulitan dan masalah. Dalam proses mengatasi masalah kita dapat berfikir dengan cara yang berbeda-beda, karena memang pada dasarnya ada beberapa cara berfikir, meski tidak semuanya efektif untuk memecahkan suatu masalah.

Berfikir kreatif merupakan salah satu cara berfikir yang sangat dianjurkan untuk mengatasi suatu masalah. Karena dengan cara berfikir yang kreatif seseorang akan mampu melihat persoalan dari banyak segi dan persepsi. Sehingga pada akhirnya akan dapat menghasilkan lebih banyak alternative pemecahan masalah. Lima tahapan yang harus dilalui agar seseorang mampu berfikir secara kreatif adalah: Tahap Orientasi, Preparasi, Inkubasi, Iluminasi dan Tahap Sertifikasi.

Decision making adalah suatu proses memilih alternatif yang tepat dari beberapa alternatif yang ada. Di dalam membuat keputusan perlu memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi keputusan yang diambilnya: Faktor Orang, Psychologis, Fisik, Sasaran, Waktu dan Faktor Pelaksanaan. Dalam pengambilan keputusan perlu dipikirkan juga tindakan pelaksanaan dan konsekuensi pilihan.


Tujuan Training Creative Problem Solving dan Decision Making

Setelah mengikuti pelatihan, diharapkan peserta mampu mengembangkan kemampuan dalam memecahkan masalah secara kreatif dan melakukan proses pengambilan keputusan secara efektif.


Materi Training Creative Problem Solving dan Decision Making

  1. Dua Model dalam Mendekati Proses Pemecahan Masalah
  2. Metode Pemecahan Masalah secara Efektif
  3. Mendefinisikan Masalah secara Tepat
  4. Root Cause Analysis
  5. Merumuskan Alternatif Solusi Pemecahan Masalah
  6. Effective Decision Making
  7. Mengaplikasikan Solusi Melalui Action Plan dan Monitoring
  8. Proses Pengambilan Keputusan : Rational or Creative Decision Making?
  9. Ekslorasi terhadap Model Pengambilan Keputusan yang Efektif dalam Beragam Konteks Situasi
  10. Study Kasus dan Diskusi


Peserta Pelatihan

Training ini diperuntukkan bagi:

  1. Staff, Supervisor, Manager hingga level diatasnya dari divisi HRD, Pengambil kebijakan atau divisi lainnya yang membutuhkan pelatihan ini;
  2. Praktisi, profesional atau siapapun yang ingin menambah pengetahuan mengenai problem solving dan decision making.


Tempat Pelatihan

  • Jakarta
  • Bandung
  • Bogor
  • Tangerang
  • Yogyakarta


Fasilitas Pelatihan

  • Tempat pelatihan di Hotel
  • Lunch dan Coffee Break,
  • Hard Copy Materi,
  • Soft Copy Materi di dalam USB Flashdisk,
  • Sertifikat
  • Training Kits,
  • Jaket, tas dan topi
  • Souvenir / Door Prize untuk peserta terbaik *)


Investasi Pelatihan

  • Sebesar Rp. 4.500.000,-
  • Harga tidak termasuk pajak.


Hubungi Kami 

HP/WA: 0858-11-210875


Edison Firdaus MM

Mochamad Sutarsono, ST. MT.

Anriyas supriyanto, MM

Betty Bahiyah, SH

Muslim Jayadi


Audith Turmudhi, MM dan Team

Waktu Pelatihan

  • Bogor, 6-7 Maret 2017
  • Tangerang, 5-6 April 2017
  • Yogyakarta, 3-4 Mei 2017
  • Solo, 7-8 Juni 2017
  • Bali, 5-6 Juli 2017
  • Jakarta, 14-15 Agustus 2017
  • Bandung, 6-7 September 2017
  • Bogor, 11-12 Oktober 2017
  • Tangerang, 13-14 November 2017
  • Yogyakarta, 6-7 Desember 2017

Jadwal Pelatihan lainnya silakan hubungi marketing Kami

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