[:en]ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System Training [:id]ISO 22000 Pelatihan Sistem Manajemen Keamanan Pangan[:]



ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System Training by Global Compliance Asia– The requisite for food safety from all organizations that process, produce, handle, or providing food is the most important requirement. Food safety management system based on ISO 22000 can help organizations to reduce the risk of hazards in food processing. Besides contains the basic rules in the processing of food is good, this management system also includes an analysis of potential hazards or errors that can occur during the treatment process so that the process of withdrawal of the product can be made if necessary.

ISO 22000 is an international standard that combines and complements the main elements of the quality management system (ISO 9001) and HACCP is designed for use on all segments of the food industry ranging from handling, processing, distribution, sales to the preparation of food for consumption.

Importance of Implementation ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System

  • By implementing the ISO 22000 system, the company will increase customer confidence and satisfaction
  • The ISO 22000 certification, it means the company has guaranteed the safety of products produced
  • The implementation of ISO 22000, the company ensure continuous improvement system, especially in food safety
  • Companies can improve the quality of human resources because equipped with adequate knowledge and competence
  • The productivity of enterprises can increase along with the implementation of food safety management system of effective and efficient

Training Benefits :

  • Understand the food safety management system in accordance with international standard ISO 22000: 2005
  • Know the benefits of the implementation of ISO 22000 system in a company
  • Understand the process of risk management control in food processing
  • Having knowledge of product traceability
  • Having knowledge of food safety requirements

Training Materials :

  • Requirements and scope of standard ISO 22000 food safety management system
  • Integration of Food Safety Management System based on ISO 22000 with other FSMS such as: HACCP, GMP, SSOP, Hygiene and Sanitation
  • Understanding and Interpretation of the Food Safety System base on ISO 22000: 2005
  • Implementation of ISO 22000: 2005 Food Safety Management System
  • The benefits of the implementation of the Food Safety Management within the organization
  • Making Food Safety Systems, System Documentation Food Safety, and Food Safety Systems Development based on standard ISO 22000
  • prerequisite programs (PRP), Scope of Work Internal Auditor / Auditing ISO 22000
  • Tips and Tricks perform an effective audit and become a qualified Auditor
  • Reporting and follow-up and evaluation of the audit findings
  • Certification System ISO 22000: 2005 Food Safety Management System
  • Tips and tricks earned ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System

Training duration:

2 days / 14 hours ( 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. )

Training investment :

4,000,000.00 IDR /participant (exclude: accommodation and lodging)

Training Facilities:

  • Experienced Trainer
  • Jacket
  • Certificate
  • Module & Training Kit
  • Lunch
  • Coffee Break
  • Comfortable training rooms (held in hotel)

Info & Contact Person :


+62 877 0999 5125 (Arum)




Training Schedule :

  • Vietnam, 17 – 18 November 2015
  • Australia, 23 – 24 November 2015
  • Jakarta, 25 – 26 November 2015
  • Australia, 10 -11 December 2015
  • Jakarta, 15 – 16 December 2015
  • Vietnam, 28 – 29 December 2015



Pelatihan ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System oleh Global Compliance Asia – Kebutuhan akan keamanan pangan mulai dari semua organisasi yang mengolah, menghasilkan, menangani, atau menyediakan makanan merupakan kebutuhan yang paling utama. Sistem manajemen keamanan pangan berdasarkan ISO 22000 dapat membantu organisasi untuk mengurangi risiko bahaya dalam proses pengolahan makanan. Selain berisi tentang aturan dasar dalam proses pengolahan makanan yang baik dan benar, sistem manajemen ini juga memuat analisa tentang potensi bahaya atau kesalahan yang dapat terjadi selama proses pengolahan sehingga proses penarikan kembali produk dapat dilakukan apabila diperlukan.

ISO 22000 adalah suatu standar internasional yang menggabungkan dan melengkapi elemen utama sistem manajemen mutu (ISO 9001) dan HACCP yang dirancang untuk digunakan pada semua segmen industri pangan mulai dari penanganan, pengolahan, pendistribusian, penjualan sampai pada penyiapan makanan untuk dikonsumsi. 

Pentingnya Penerapan ISO 22000 :

  • Dengan menerapkan sistem ISO 22000, perusahaan tersebut akan meningkatkan kepercayaan  dan kepuasan pelanggan
  • Adanya sertifikasi ISO 22000, itu berarti perusahaan telah menjamin keamanan dari produk yang dihasilkan
  • Penerapan sistem ISO 22000, perusahaan ikut menjamin sistem perbaikan yang berkesinambungan, khususnya dalam hal keamanan pangan
  • Perusahaan dapat meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusianya karena dibekali pengetahuan dan kompetensi yang memadai
  • Produktivitas perusahaan dapat meningkat seiring dengan diterapkannya sistem manajemen keamanan pangan yang efektif dan efisien

Manfaat Pelatihan ISO 22000 :

  • Memahami dan menguasai system manajemen keamanan pangan sesuai dengan standar internasional ISO 22000:2005
  • Mengetahui manfaat penerapan sistem ISO 22000 dalam suatu perusahaan
  • Memahami proses pengendalian manajemen risiko dalam proses pengolahan makanan
  • Memilki pengetahuan tentang traceability product (penelusuran produk)
  • Menambah wawasan mengenai persyaratan keamanan pangan

Materi Pelatihan :

  • Persyaratan dan ruang lingkup standar ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System
  • Integrasi Food Safety Management System berdasarkan ISO 22000 dengan SMKP lainnya seperti: HACCP, GMP, SSOP, Hygiene dan Sanitation
  • Pemahaman dan Interpretasi Food Safety System base on ISO 22000:2005
  • Impelementasi ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System
  • Manfaat penerapan Food Safety Management dalam organisasi
  • Pembuatan Sistem Keamanan pangan, Sistem Dokumentasi Food Safety, dan Pengembangan Sistem Food Safety berdasarkan standar ISO 22000
  • Prerequisite Program (PRP), Ruang Lingkup Kerja Internal Auditor/Auditing ISO 22000
  • Tips dan Triks melakukan Audit yang efektif dan menjadi Auditor yang berkualitas
  • Reporting dan tindak lanjut serta evaluasi temuan Audit
  • Sistem Sertifikasi ISO 22000:2005 Food Safety Management System
  • Tips dan triks meraih Sertifikasi ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System

Durasi Pelatihan :

2 hari / 14 jam ( 09.00 – 16.00)

Investasi Pelatihan ; 

Rp. 4.000.000,00/peserta (diluar biaya akomodasi dan penginapan)

Fasilitas Pelatihan :

  • Trainer Berpengalaman
  • Jaket
  • Sertifikat
  • Modul
  • Training Kit
  • Coffee Break
  • Lunch
  • Ruang training yang nyaman (diselenggarakan di hotel berbintang)

Info & Contact Person :


+62 877 0999 5125 (Arum)




Jadwal Training :

  • Vietnam, 17 – 18 November 2015
  • Australia, 23 – 24 November 2015
  • Jakarta, 25 – 26 November 2015
  • Australia, 10 -11 Desember 2015
  • Jakarta, 15 – 16 Desember 2015
  • Vietnam, 28 – 29 Desember 2015


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