GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) Training by Global Compliance Asia – GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) is a guideline that describes how to produce safe and quality food, so the food is good for consumption. Basically, GMP contains explanations of the minimum requirements and common processing which must be completed in the handling of food in a whole of processing from raw material to finished product.
GMP is also one step in the production process to avoid the danger of contaminants or hazards that can contaminate the product.
Importance of Implementation GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)
- Applying GMP program, means the company has support of the implementation of the quality management system and participate in a food safety program
- Industries that have implemented the GMP program will gain more trust from customers
- With the implementation of GMP standards in the processing in an industry, it can improve the image and competence of the company
- The implementation of GMP in a company can increase the chance of the company to enter the global market through quality products and safe from hazards (physical, chemical, and biological)
Training Benefits :
- Understand the concept and scope of the GMP
- Know food safety requirements
- Know the principles and basic requirements of GMP
- Able to apply GMP standards and effective development
- Able to develop procedures for the implementation of GMP in the business processes of the company
Training Materials :
- Clause and the requirements of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
- The scope of the GMP standards
- Environment and location of the building and industrial plant facilities / plan
- Sanitation activities (personal, space, equipment and facilities dominated system support)
- The process of care, control of production machinery and equipment
- Sorting of raw materials, storage, distribution and storage of the finished product process is based on the characters and the specifications of each ingredient or finished product produced
- System control and supervision of the production process
- Handling of the final product (ready for sale)
- Laboratory quality control of products
- pest control system
- Personal hygiene
- System documentation, work standards, standard operating procedures (SOP), record and document control
- Product safety, methods of product reprocessing, complaints and product recall procedures
Training duration:
2 days / 14 hours ( 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.)
Training investment :
4,000,000.00 IDR /participant (exclude: accommodation and lodging)
Training Facilities :
- Experienced Trainer
- Jacket
- Certificate
- Module & Training Kit
- Lunch
- Coffee Break
- Comfortable training rooms (held in hotel)
Info & Contact Person :
+62 877 0999 5125 (Arum)
Training Schedule :
- Jakarta, 18 – 19 November 2015
- Vietnam, 23 – 24 November 2015
- Australia, 25 – 26 November 2015
- Australia, 09 – 10 December 2015
- Vietnam, 16 – 17 December 2015
- Jakarta, 21 – 22 December 2015
Pelatihan GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) oleh Global Compliance Asia – GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) adalah suatu pedoman yang di dalamnya menjelaskan bagaimana cara memproduksi makanan yang bermutu sehingga makanan yang dihasilkan aman dan layak untuk dikonsumsi. Pada dasarnya, GMP berisi penjelasan-penjelasan tentang persyaratan minimum dan pengolahan umum yang harus dipenuhi dalam penanganan bahan pangan dalam seluruh rangkaian proses pengolahan dari raw material hingga finished product.
GMP juga merupakan salah satu langkah dalam proses produksi untuk menghindari adanya bahaya kontaminan yang dapat mencemari produk.
Pentingnya Penerapan GMP :
- Perusahaan telah mendukung penerapan sistem manajemen mutu dan ikut berpartisipasi dalam program keamanan pangan
- Perusahaan atau industri akan mendapatkan tingkat kepercayaan yang lebih dari pelanggannya
- Meningkatkan image perusahaan dan kompetensi perusahaan
- Meningkatkan kesempatan perusahaan untuk menembus pasar global melalui produk yang berkualitas dan aman dari bahaya fisik, kimia, maupun biologis.
Manfaat Pelatihan GMP :
- Memahami konsep dan ruang lingkup GMP
- Menambah wawasan mengenai persyaratan keamanan pangan
- Mengetahui prinsip dan persyaratan dasar GMP
- Mampu menerapkan standar GMP dan pengembangannya secara efektif
- Mampu mengembangkan prosedur untuk penerapan GMP dalam bisnis proses perusahaan
Materi Pelatihan :
- Klausul dan persyaratan Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
- Ruang lingkup standar GMP
- Lingkungan dan lokasi bangunan beserta fasilitas industri pabrik/plan
- Kegiatan sanitasi (personal, ruangan, sistem peralatan dan faslitas pendukung)
- Proses perawatan, pengendalian mesin dan peralatan produksi
- Pemilahan bahan baku, proses penyimpanan, distribusi proses dan penyimpanan produk jadi berdasarkan karakter dan spesifikasi masing-masing bahan ataupun produk jadi yang dihasilkan
- Sistem pengendalian dan pengawasan proses produksi
- Penanganan produk akhir (siap jual)
- Laboratorium pengendalian mutu produk
- Sistem pengendalian hama
- Hygiene pekerja (personal hygiene)
- Sistem dokumentasi, standar kerja, Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), record dan kontrol dokumen
- Keamanan produk, metode pengolahan ulang produk, prosedur komplain dan penarikan produk
Durasi Pelatihan :
2 hari / 14 jam (09.00 – 16.00)
Investasi Pelatihan :
Rp 4.000.000,00/peserta (di luar akomodasi dan penginapan)
Fasilitas Pelatihan :
- Trainer Berpengalaman
- Jaket
- Sertifikat
- Modul
- Training Kit
- Coffee Break
- Lunch
- Ruang training yang nyaman (diselenggarakan di hotel berbintang)
Info & Contact Person :
+62 877 0999 5125 (Arum)
Jadwal Training :
- Jakarta, 18 – 19 November 2015
- Vietnam, 23 – 24 November 2015
- Australia, 25 – 26 November 2015
- Australia, 09 – 10 Desember 2015
- Vietnam, 16 – 17 Desember 2015
- Jakarta, 21 – 22 Desember 2015